Victim Services

Report a Crime, Obtain Safety Consultations, and Contact Local or Municipal Police

DPS can assist students who wish to report a crime, obtain safety consultations, and contact local or municipal police with jurisdiction over the incident. DPS provides critical services in order to ensure student safety. This includes offering Risk Evaluation And Counter Techniques (R.E.A.C.T.) classes and providing transportation to the hospital for the SART activation or to the courthouse for Temporary Restraining Orders.

You Are Not Alone

Learn Who Can Help

The Department of Public Safety supports the Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources, and Education or SHARE office and other University Departments and Resources that handle victim services. For more information about these resources please refer to the below information.

Princeton University Resources

All resources with an * mean that they are confidential resources and the information given to them will not be reported. There are some exceptions to this when there is a risk of imminent harm. View the difference between confidential and non-confidential resources.

Resource Beyond Princeton

All resources with an * mean that they are confidential resources and the information given to them will not be reported. There are some exceptions to this when there is a risk of imminent harm. View the difference between confidential and non-confidential resources.


You are not alone


Policies to Protect Victims

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Princeton University does not tolerate sexual misconduct.

View the full University Policy on Sexual Misconduct.

Title IX Harassment Policy

The Title IX Sexual Harassment policy is based on definitions set forth in regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Education under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.

Disciplinary Procedures

The Faculty-Student Committee on Discipline is responsible for the administration of the stated rules and regulations governing undergraduate student conduct, for assessing reported violations, and, when necessary, for assigning appropriate penalties.

Discrimination, Bias, or Harassment (Based on Protected Characteristic)

Princeton University is committed to creating and maintaining an educational, working, and living environment free from discrimination and harassment based on a protected characteristic. Princeton University’s Policy on Discrimination and/or Harassment prohibits such discrimination and harassment and applies to all members of the University community.